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[학회소식(개회/활동)] 제1회 한중아악(中韓雅樂)공연




2023-12-03 01:15:36



제1회 한중아악(中韓雅樂)공연

화평중정(中正和平)을 추구하는 아악(雅樂)을 연구하고 전파하는 모임(雅集)

공연내용: 칠현금/정가/거문고

일시: 2023년 12월 9일 오후3~5시

주소: 서울 종로구 우정국로 45-7 (조계사 인근 자비승복지층)

교통: 3호선 안국역  1호선 종각역   5호선 광화문역

https://band.us/band/82174070 밴드에 가입하시면 자료를 보실 수 있습니다. 

문의 010-3237-4229

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L*b (비회원)   2024-06-01 02:32
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M*n (비회원)   2024-05-23 21:35
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L*b (비회원)   2024-05-23 16:06
Empower your digital presence with https://Accstores.com, your go-to destination for web accessibility solutions. From automated testing to expert consultation, we offer comprehensive tools and services to ensure inclusivity for all users. Join us in creating a more accessible online experience. Explore https://Accstores.com today and unlock the potential of accessibility.

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M*n (비회원)   2024-05-21 07:56
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Mike Addington

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R*l (비회원)   2024-05-15 17:44
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M*e (비회원)   2024-05-15 13:14
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Thanks and regards
Mike Aldridge

Monkey Digital
답글 수정 삭제 0 0
M*n (비회원)   2024-05-15 11:46
Hi there

Just checked your huawen.co.kr baclink profile, I noticed a moderate percentage of toxic links pointing to your website

We will investigate each link for its toxicity and perform a professional clean up for you free of charge.

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Mike Anderson
Hilkom Digital SEO Experts
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V*s (비회원)   2024-03-27 10:22
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T*k (비회원)   2024-03-24 12:40
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답글 수정 삭제 0 0
M*t (비회원)   2024-03-23 18:16
Hi there

Just checked your huawen.co.kr baclink profile, I noticed a moderate percentage of toxic links pointing to your website

We will investigate each link for its toxicity and perform a professional clean up for you free of charge.

Start recovering your ranks today:

Mike Scott
Hilkom Digital SEO Experts
답글 수정 삭제 0 0
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